2022.9-至今, 福州大学,建筑与城乡规划学院城市规划系,副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,街道建成环境对老年人安全感知的影响及其优化研究——基于多元时间序列数据的分析,在研,主持
2. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,健康老龄化背景下街道建成环境对老年人积极情绪感知的影响机理及空间优化研究,在研,主持
3. 福建省社会科学基金青年项目,健康中国背景下街道建成环境对老年人情绪感知的影响及其优化研究,在研,主持
4. 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目,建成环境与PM1污染关联研究:以福建为例,在研,主持
5. 福州大学人才引进科研启动项目,在研,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,城市绿地声景资源价值评价体系、调控机理与优化路径研究,在研,参与
7. 福建省自然科学基金青年项目,城市建成环境的绿色生产空间及其生态节地效益研究——以福州市为例,在研,参与
8. 福建省自然科学基金青年项目,社会感知视角下城市森林声景的城乡梯度演变研究,在研,参与
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于VIIRS数据的京津冀PM2.5时空分异及其人文影响机理研究,已结题,参与
10. 香港研究资助局项目,后工业时代的中国街区设计与能耗关联性研究——以香港和深圳为例,已结题,参与
11. 国家科技支撑计划课题,村镇区域综合防灾减灾信息系统研究及示范,已结题,参与
12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于GIS和RS通风潜力分析的城市风道规划支持方法研究,已结题,参与
1. Guo H, Zhang S, You Y, Zheng Q, Zhu L, Hong X. C, Ho H.C. 2025. Assessing the impact of street-level greenery on older adults' emotional well-being: A longitudinal study of equigenic potential and socioeconomic disparities. Building and Environment, 267: 112309.(SCI, IF = 7.1, 中科院一区)
2. Zhang A, Li W, Xia C, Guo H*.2025. The impact of urban landscape patterns on land surface temperature at the street block level: Evidence from 38 big Chinese cities. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 110: 107673.(SCI, IF = 9.8, 中科院一区)
3. 洪昕晨, 张丹银, 郭联欢, 郭华贵*. 2025. 从城市绿地形态指标到声景参数的预测模型研究. 中国园林.(录用待刊,建规景顶刊)
4. 刘江, 华怡冰, 郭华贵*. 2025. 基于多源数据的城市慢行系统声景品质评价与预测. 中国园林.(录用待刊,建规景顶刊)
5. Guo H, Zhang S, Liu Y, Lin R, Liu J. 2024. Building running-friendly cities: effects of streetscapes on running using 9.73 million fitness tracker data in Shanghai, China. BMC Public Health, 24(1): 2251.(SCI, IF = 3.5, 中科院二区)
6. Guo H, Li Y, Liu Y, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Ho H. C. 2024. Can good neighbourhood perception magnify the positive effect of favourable built environment on recreational walking in China?. BMC Public Health, 24(1): 2035.(SCI, IF = 3.5, 中科院二区)
7. Zhang S, Ran L, Fan X, Zhang Y, Guo H*. 2024. Perceived built environment as a mediator linking objective built environment and leisure-time physical activity in Chinese cities. Scientific Reports, 14(1): 17091.(SCI, IF = 3.80, 中科院二区)
8. Guo H, Zhang S, Xie X, Liu J, Ho H. C. 2024. Moderation effects of streetscape perceptions on the associations between accessibility, land use mix, and bike-sharing use: cross-sectional study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 10(1): e58761.(SCI, IF = 3.50, 中科院二区)
9. 张延吉, 游永熠, 朱春武, 郭华贵*. 2022. 犯罪恐惧感与犯罪活动空间分布的匹配关系及其影响因素. 地理科学, 42(6): 1024-1033.(CSSCI)
10. 张延吉, 庄宇丹, 邓伟涛, 郭华贵*. 2022. 盗窃犯罪易发地的构成、影响及其区域异质性. 地理研究, 41(11): 2884-2896.(CSSCI)
11. Wang S, Fei T, Li W, Zhang A, Guo H, Du Y. 2022. Incorporation of intra-city human mobility into urban growth simulation: A case study in Beijing. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 32(5), 892-912.(SCI, IF = 4.3,中科院二区)
12. Ho H. C, Guo H (共同一作), Chan T. C, Shi Y, Webster C, Fong K. N. 2022. Community planning for a “healthy built environment” via a human-environment nexus? A multifactorial assessment of environmental characteristics and age-specific stroke mortality in Hong Kong. Chemosphere, 287(3): 132043.(SCI, IF = 7.09,中科院二区)
13. Guo H, Li W, Yao F, Wu J, Zhou X, Yue Y, Yeh A. G. 2020. Who are more exposed to PM2.5 pollution: A mobile phone data approach. Environment International, 143(0): 105821.(SCI, IF = 13.35, 中科院一区)
14. Guo H, Chang Z, Wu J, Li W. 2019. Air pollution and lung cancer incidence in China: Who are faced with a greater effect?. Environment International, 132: 105077.(SCI, IF = 13.35, 中科院一区)
15. Guo H, Zhan Q, Ho H. C., Yao F, Zhou X, Wu J, Li W. 2020. Coupling mobile phone data with machine learning: How misclassification errors in ambient PM2.5 exposure estimates are produced?. Science of The Total Environment, 745: 141034.(SCI, IF = 10.75,中科院二区)
16. Guo H, Wei J, Li X, Ho H. C., Song Y, Wu J, Li W. 2021. Do socioeconomic factors modify the effects of PM1 and SO2 on lung cancer incidence in China?. Science of The Total Environment, 756(0): 143998.(SCI, IF = 10.75, 中科院二区)
17. Guo H, Li W, Wu J, Ho H. C. 2021. Does air pollution contribute to urban–rural disparity in male lung cancer diseases in China?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(16): 23905-23918.(SCI, IF = 5.19, 中科院三区)
18. Guo H, Li X, Li W, Wu J, Wang S, Wei J. 2021. Climatic modification effects on the association between PM1 and lung cancer incidence in China. BMC Public Health, 21(1): 880.(SCI, IF = 4.14, 中科院三区)
19. Guo H, Li W, Wu J. 2020. Ambient PM2.5 and annual lung cancer incidence: a nationwide study in 295 Chinese counties. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5): 1481.(SCI, IF = 4.61, 中科院三区)
20. Guo H, Li X, Wei J, Li W, Wu J, Zhang Y. 2022. Smaller particular matter, larger risk of female lung cancer incidence? Evidence from 436 Chinese counties. BMC Public Health, 22(1): 344.(SCI, IF = 4.14, 中科院三区)
21. Guo H, Liu J, Wei J. 2021. Ambient ozone, PM1 and female lung cancer incidence in 436 Chinese counties. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19): 10386.(SCI, IF = 4.61, 中科院三区)
22. Wang J, Zhan Q, Guo H, Jin, Z. 2016. Characterizing the spatial dynamics of land surface temperature–impervious surface fraction relationship. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 45, 55-65 (SCI, IF=5.9, 中科院二区).
23. Wang J, Zhan Q, Guo H. 2016. The morphology, dynamics and potential hotspots of land surface temperature at a local scale in urban areas. Remote Sensing, 8(1), 18 (SCI, IF=4.85,中科院二区).
4. Buildings、Sustainability客座编辑